Can you understand these Citizenship Questions?

Official Citizenship Test CD with 215 ways the questions are asked in the naturalization exam

Official Citizenship Test CD with 215 ways the questions are asked in the naturalization exam

During the citizenship test, the questions are read to you. This means you must understand what a question is asking before you can answer it. For immigrants with very limited English, this is a big challenge! There was a gentleman from Vietnam named Nguyen. During the interview the officer asked him “How are you?”, the answered “I’m fifty one year old.” Do you know why? Nguyen thought the officer was asking about his age! That’s the simplest mistake a person can make during the interview.

As you already know, there are many ways to ask for the same information. For example, if you want to know who the President is, you can ask:

  • Who is the current President?
  • What is the name of our President?
  • The President… who is he?
  • Tell me who our President is?
  • Right now who is the President?
  • Do you know who our President is?
  • Who is Barack Obama?

To most immigrants, learning exactly 100 questions is just not enough. If the questions are asked slightly differently, they may not be able to answer. Adding the fact that most of them are really nervous during the test, a fail result may be predictable.

Therefore, the best way to learn for your naturalization exam is to learn as many ways the citizenship questions are asked as posible. Citizenship Coach has a perfect solution for this problem. They have a CD with 215 ways the questions are asked. These are the most popular ways you must know. They are absolutely helpful for immigrants with limited English. We strongly recommend this citizenship test CD. By the way, since these 215 questions are copyrighted, nobody can copy these questions and create a product out of them. Therefore, you can find them at Citizenship Coach website only.

In the next post, I’ll give some tips and tricks on how to avoid these mistakes and have a successful naturalization interview.

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